May - August 2012.
David Dungji Chinke
Yilkat Gopye
Lami Chinke
ISSN: 2141 - 9507
Published in Nigeria
© 2011 by Engraved in Gold Media Enterprises
Jos, Plateau State Nigeria


Some time ago, I saw a notice that read “I Go A fishing Avenue”. This was the name given to a street around the place I lived at that time. That signboard spoke volumes to me as I meditated on the possible reasons for such a name. The name is gotten from the scriptures in John 21: 3, (KJV) where Peter told the other disciples he was going fishing after Jesus had been crucified and the controversy of his resurrection was going on. Many people while analyzing this event have spoken of it in the negative as they felt Peter should not have gone back to fishing, they felt it was a sign of a loss of faith. When Jesus called Peter, he had said “follow me and I will make you fishers of men” (Mathew 4:19). Since the savior was not with them, it was natural in Peters mind to go a-fishing. Considering this from a less pious perspective would bring some more light into the matter, Peter was a human being like all of us and he had to provide for his family. Considering the fact that most of the disciples where in hiding together, they also needed to be fed. And peter was only doing his responsibility as the head of his home and the promised head apostle. I feel that his position as head apostle was in fact consolidated by this act; Jesus was to confirm hours later (John 21:15-18). It was not a failure on his part nor was it wrong what Peter did. Jesus soon appeared on the scene to do something most controversial. He repeated a miracle (John 21 and Luke 5). Jesus hardly repeated miracles; each miracle was special and unique to the individuals involved, (Although we are not given all the miracles he performed in detail), this is one of the few miracles that we find in scripture repeating itself in almost the same fashion. Peter fished and caught nothing, then Jesus told him were to throw his net, when he did he caught many fish that broke his net. That was miracle number one; miracle number two was that when they came to shore Jesus was already cooking fish (John 21). Jesus to my mind was not saying, why did you lose faith in me Peter, but he was saying good Job, well done for taking responsibility while I was away but keep in mind that I am the one who provides the fish both the physical fish and the spiritual fish (men) – as pertains to livelihood and as pertains to ministry – Jesus was in effect telling Peter to rely on him for direction. And notice that he did not hurry and stop Peter from the physical activity of fishing just because he already had the fish to cook for them. This is again confirmed by Jesus instruction to Peter in Mathew 17:27; not to offend the government by refusing to pay taxes from the proceeds of his work. Again though the important message was in the concept of finding the money in the fishes mouth, the physical act of fishing is never negated. He then gave Peter his final commission as head apostle, in John 21:15-20. Therefore it was in fact a promotion for Peter, it was like a foreplay of the master returning and finding Peter doing his job. He was doing his job as a physical provider. He was not pretending to have the resources to carry out the spiritual work of man fishing as some of us do today. He occupied himself doing the more carnal work of bread fishing which was his responsibility. Now Jesus even confirmed this by giving another instruction, for them to wait in Jerusalem until he sent to them the Holy Spirit; who would empower them for the work of man fishing. Man fishing it too delicate a task to do without empowerment – spiritual empowerment – it is not done with brawn nor with only intellect. God compliments our natural gifting and energy with zeal and spiritual understanding and power when needed. Therefore, if you see a strong need to go a fishing, please go a fishing - for the physical bread- not in disobedience though, but from the fact that God for the time being has directed so, he is not silent because he is dead or has stopped his work in man but because he wants to see men who take responsibility like Peter and go a-fishing, men who have a strong spiritual work ethic like Paul who went tent-making to make a living, though he was a popular and gifted evangelist. Men who do not preempt God but in humility accept their inability to do what the Spirit does. Then he would come to you when you least expect and say: good and faithful servant here is more, now you can go for me and fish for men – in our generation we face these issues not only as pertains to discipleship but also when making choices on professional calling; many modern day ministries depend on philanthropy to cater for workers, but it is a well known fact that the church has grown more from the sweat of men like Peter, Barnabas and Paul (1st Corinthians 9:5, John 21:3) who toiled both in the physical “unpriestly”work of bread fishing and also in the spiritual “priestly” work of man fishing to advance the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth! In this edition of the GROW Journal, we are looking at the invasion of other religions into the Christian faith! It is such invasions that encourage the negation of calling and hence gifting by the Holy Spirit! Believing that anyone who has the Holy Spirit is no less than a God who should not be seen or herd but must become like an idol who can only be consulted in the pattern of a Juju priest or Oracle. Such a person does not need money or paid employment but lives like a hermit or cynic! This completely negates the Christian biblical standard and is one major invasion into the Christian faith!


David Dungji Chinke
The word faith has many definitions among which are: 1. religion or religious group: a system of religious belief, or the group of people who adhere to it 2. trust in God: belief in and devotion to God 3. set of beliefs: a strongly held set of beliefs or principles (Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.) Faith as a belief system or a religion is a system that promises dividends for adherents of such a religion or faith. Such dividends are in the form of material prosperity or eternal prosperity, i.e. life after death! Humans love to indulge in ceremonies, parties, rituals, all to fulfill whatever desire they seek to indulge e.g. hunger, love, community relations, business, etc. but the rituals practiced in religion go beyond these basic thirsts – faith is more profound in its worldview, it desires to establish the human being first as a legitimate entity on the planet earth – to establish his need to live, and prosper, and then finally his need to live eternally! Not all religions promise eternal life though! Some religions are atheistic and thus do not believe in the existence of the spirit world or even the existence of a God! It is agreed by some that even nationalism and communism are now becoming religions to some people. Basically religions have two ends: 1. For Prosperity here on the earth 2. For Eternal prosperity Most religions on the earth are centered on prosperity here on earth! Some meet a delicate balance between earthly prosperity and eternal prosperity! The concept in question now is what are the rules or guidelines for achieving this prosperity whether earthly or heavenly? Are these rules based on moral living or not? The question is asked: does morality aid societal stability or not. These are questions sociologists and psychologists of our time continue to try to answer! But some have come to the conclusion that morality is relative and thus differs from culture to culture - hence also the emergence of varying faiths and thus religions! The question of morality is answered in various forms – in the bible God is said to have answered the question of morality and stability in four basic steps : 1. Basic Choice and Obedience for the first man and woman! 2. Moral Laws given to Noah 3. The Ten Commandments and the Jewish religious Laws. 4. Finally, the coming of Jesus to redeem mankind It is clear though from the Jewish story in the bible that at every point there seems to be a divergence between what God has in mind for faith and what human beings have in mind. For even though the people knew God and what he wanted, they always substituted his ideal for less moral systems which they could endure! Romans 1:18-32 even the Israelites could not keep his moral laws. Hebrews 4. Remember that these were a people who felt they had the truth, they looked down on every other religion and people on the earth because they saw all others as barbaric and law breakers. Most religions are like that: ethnically biased! Jesus coming on the earth was to bring a balance in these ideas and establish the specifics of faith in God. He brought about the concept of grace – unmerited favour. Thus men would no longer need sacrifices or obedience to a moral creed except faith in Christ before they can be accepted by God. Therein God provides an easier standard – faith or belief – the acceptance of the person and character of God in the person of Jesus Christ. In this system God himself provides the enablement to help people adhere to moral standards whatever they may be.
A complexity
“For I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to one husband – Christ. But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent. You happily put up with whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach a different Jesus than the one we preach, or a different kind of Spirit than the one you received, or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.” (2nd Corinthians 11:1-5) What are the boundaries of these moral beliefs of Christianity? This idea has become quite nebulous and thus gives room for many who do not understand these to follow without thorough adherence! It seems that Christianity is thus the easiest faith in the world – and thus a bit mysterious to the human mind filled with the guilt of his/her fallen nature who feels he/she must do something to please God first! But other factors arise to complicate it and thus again make it the most difficult faith in the world: Christ is indeed interested in moral cleansing and upright living thus; how does God’s power intervene to ensure moral cleansing? – Without understanding this; failure is imminent! How do these all together ensure a better world here on earth and beyond? These make the Christian faith a bit open thus have combined to make Christianity the most invaded faith in the world, as well as the following factors: 1. Christianity is all inclusive not withstanding tribe, race or status! 2. Christianity became the most powerful religion from the time of emperor Constantine of Rome! 3. The spiritual power ensured by the proper practice of Christianity replaces and overshadows all powers provided in other religions. 4. Grace and patience of the Omnipotent supreme God whom is directly worshiped in Christianity is overwhelming – ensuring that many can hide within Christianity undetected! 5. Hence there is no strict penalty for invasion of the Christian religion compared to other religions – such punishment (by death) is carried out by God alone through His Word and angels (Mathew 13:24-30, Acts 5:1-11). 6. The supreme power of the Holy Spirit alone ensures earthly stability! 7. Ensures a good life after death! Because of its powerful witness on earth and subsequent popularity, Christianity is copied and invaded – but this only produces a pseudo Christianity that lacks the true power! But the true motive behind this invasion is the most dangerous! Behind the innocent need of human beings to engage in what seems popular and thus politically correct, the true satanic motive is to truncate the realization of an earthly utopia and also to ensure that as few as possible people are able to obtain the much envied and coveted eternal life! Therefore the enemies of human succession to the Kingdom of God succeed and the earth is destroyed like in the time of Noah’s flood and God’s plan frustrated! Therefore the proponents of power alone here on earth may be playing into the hands of such forces since power alone might mean the negation of the biblical principle of Agape! But yet humanity may want to look into research and building an opposition not against the supreme God, but against such forces who are afraid of the true human liberty, love, unity and peace especially through Jesus Christ! Those who insist, the cycle of Chaos must continue. At our levels of research @ G.R.O.W we believe that the Holy Spirit is at work and has revealed himself as the true teacher and comforter, He has revealed the way to this Earthly Utopia but we are yet to see a determined truly united and truthful effort on the Human part towards this work of human redemption! Human leadership has continued to bend towards the easy road, easy power, division along ethnic and racial boundaries, temperamental and class boundaries and more of hatred and not love! As Os Guinness says on what he calls the Conundrum of perversity that: “we are attracted to evil and especially to evil greatness. The one thing prohibited is the one thing desired. So we do not seem dismayed by evil heroes… our age is often described as permissive. More accurately it is transgressive, it is forbidden to forbid is the rallying cry and way of life of many of our fellow citizens”. And therefore many find a “protection” as it where within the boundaries of grace to perpetrate many ills and dodge accountability! This makes Christianity an attractive field for the libertinistic gospel. And thus a subject of hatred and disgust from those who have very strong views about morality as a standard of earthly and heavenly perfection. In reality Christianity never abuses grace, but it is not easy to teach and practice this without the in filling of the Holy Spirit.
A greater diversity and separation
What makes the invasion very effective is the great “diversity” that the problem of grace creates: 1. Holiness Evangelical sects 2. Liberal sects 3. Judeo Christian sects 4. Hindu Christian sects 5. “Indigenous” sects The Holiness sects are attractive to people who are less excited about life and more principled and elderly in nature while the liberal sects are a hub of young, talented, emotional people who do not think God is or should be that strict. Judeo Christian sects believe that traditional Christianity has gone too far in accommodating the “gentile world” and thus imbibed unchristian doctrines in the process. Therefore such have decided to retain Jewish laws and festivals. Hindu Christian sects on the other hand have rather tended to imbibe Hindu patterns and beliefs into the Christian faith. The indigenous sects are able to quickly detect that this pure Christianity is just not for them and thus lean more towards only adopting the name Christ and remaining within their cultural beliefs. Thus the divided people are easily at loggerheads and would easily accommodate more immoral feelings against one another than normally is possible! Another deep divide is that some of these believe so much in power and prosperity and others are less particular about spiritual power here on earth. This is another point of division and hence invasion. Thus the work of the Holy Spirit is a point of argument between the Pentecostals and the more evangelical groups. Hence doctrines of artificial spirituality are getting into the church. With some mimicking the Holy Spirit and others reject Him all together! There are various other groups with various teachings mixed into the core Christian views and that is why some churches have been segregated by others who believe they are not really Christian.
A Possible Solution
It is clear that invasion always means division and more division means the work of Christ in humanity continues to lose its power and more people lose confidence in the gospel. Many solutions have been proffered in theological circles to this problem, but most have ended up creating more problems. Prof. Lamin Sanneh a professor of Mission and World Christianity and professor of history while speaking at the ECWA Seminary Chapel Jos on the 12th of July 2010 affirms the emergence of a new world Christianity and believes diversity is indeed natural and more positive than negative. This is very true as we believe that there is a limit to how we human beings can go in trying to help God’s work by literally trying to fight and excess of diversity within Christianity. Therefore we have aligned with those who believe that the more liberal networking system of church growth and institutionalism is the direction that God himself has approved for now. But as pertains the most important issues of morality; I would want to suggest 7 biblical approaches to stabilizing emerging world Christianity! 1. “The old Anglican principle: In things essential, unity, in things nonessential, diversity. And in all things charity” (J. Douglas Holladay – on Wilberforce). 2. Thus Christianity is known to have Jewish roots and those roots must be respected when making doctrinal diversions. 3. Holiness Groups must be strengthened – because God Himself is Holy! 4. In addition to setting up of schools for Theological discussions on doctrine and approach to evangelism, discipleship and youth ministry – this will balance the weaknesses of Holiness Christianity. 5. Through these processes, the biblical spirituality and baptism must be understood and authenticated as genuine. 6. Christians must take key positions in the UN to uphold freedom of worship and association – as well as raise a strong voice in world governments against invasion. 7. Evangelism; Not Invasion - Evangelism must be clearly defined, today the media is being used as a veritable tool for evangelism, friendship is also a tool for evangelism. Education is also a tool used by well organized groups who set up private schools to educate as well as preach the gospel. This is also done in the area of humanitarian work and philanthropy. These are better ways of spreading ones faith instead of invasion. And since most religions detest invasion, they must not invade a more liberal Christianity also. It is clear that though the God of Christianity is very patient, history has shown that even Christians are taken by surprise and shaken when he begins to fight invasion. Having suggested these for the mainline Christian groups, one cannot be too strict on its application because the world is in fact free. But point number seven will thus apply since anyone who invades the faith and is punished by God cannot blame anyone else for his/her predicament. Thus in Christianity the foundational doctrines of faith, works, love, boarderlessness, are protected without abusing grace! And other religions can now practice their religions without persecution. The only question that may indeed arise is that of world peace! Would every religion accept a liberal secular world? There is no certainty to this, and so the united nations must be able to come up with and agenda for religious peace that protects religious rights. All in all we believe that Unity of the Human race must not necessarily mean we all have one religion or that we all become irreligious! But this would mean that we can all together uphold freedom of worship, association and equal rights! That all religions can hold to their foundational beliefs but respect the rights of each individual to choose his/her faith! As Prof. Lamin Sanneh says “The world is going to become one, not because of uniformity… but the world will become one when we acknowledge, affirm and celebrate our differences”.
David Dungji CHINKE is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Missions and Evangelism) from Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS) he has written 5 life changing books which will greatly enrich your spiritual life and library. The GROW Journal is a recent part of these efforts. He is Married with two children.


By Yilkat Gopye
There are many descriptions and feelings of who a man should be! Apart from being what the dictionary terms an adult male human being, in this age some uses of the word Man can be termed or considered to be offensive! Some use the word man to connote superiority especially as compared to the female human being! It is clear though that in some translations of the bible, the word man is used to connote the state of humanness or human beings, Male and female - Genesis 1:27. This is seen to be from the idea of superiority again. Thus the modern way of viewing and addressing gender superiority is by correcting the perceived “power statement” – Man – Therefore it is sometimes also considered offensive to refer to both man and woman with the general term Man! The New Living Translation uses the word Human beings instead of Man. In light of this we must take a second look at who a man is from the biblical perspective: False Unbiblical definitions or ideas of the word Man are: 1. Superior to the Woman 2. One who can have sex with the most number of women? 3. One who can get a woman pregnant 4. One who is able to get male children 5. One who can assault or kill another person without remorse! 6. A male human being who is materially comfortable. 7. One who can take the most pain or drink the most alcohol. Correct biblical definitions of the Idea of one being a Man: 1. A natural compliment of the woman who appreciates her difference and loves her uniqueness. 2. One who views the earth with an eye of dominion and not destruction. 3. One who understands and fulfills his role - if able - to preserve and protect the seed and inheritance of his forefathers. 4. One who takes responsibility to protect, provide for and secure the lives and property of weaker individuals. Remember that in these ideas we are not particular about the man being a male human being – although it is also important. And so some women might sometimes exhibit such qualities and thus one might hear the popular comment “she is like a man or she behaves like a man”! But again we remember that in our generation such uses of the word man are viewed as offensive! Otherwise a male human being unable to attain to these psychologically and morally can be allocated the term boy; others may be called young men, because they are on their way to attaining the moral biblical and psychological standard. Young women and girls as well have not yet fully attained the biblical moral and psychological standard to be allocated the nomenclature; woman! This is totally removed from the post modern inkling to relativise gender and thus accommodate homosexuality; but keeping in mind that sex is not the only criteria used to judge the biblical gender of any person! This is from the standpoint that homosexuality has not been proven biblically nor scientifically. A man or woman that finds himself/herself not able to attain to the biblical standard of manhood or womanhood can seek help either in the physiological, psychological or spiritual aspects of his/her being. Sometimes all that is needed is time and commitment to self development in these areas. There are Christian specialists with vast experience who can help with these issues. These also include the sexual issues that may arise. Except of course you are one of those described in Mathew 19:12. “Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made that way by others, and some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone who can, accept this statement.” Which also could have medical solutions; those who “have been made that way by others” in less barbaric circumstances which were common in those days. But those who God has gifted with the ability to abstain from sexual activity for the sake of his work are thus biblically empowered and do not have to attain to any cultural standard of marriage or test of fertility to be called men! We at G.R.O.W would prefer to retain our earlier beliefs that the biblical attributes of a man are not a statement of superiority of any sort but statements of responsibility. And though such roles and responsibilities are sometimes exchanged by God’s own providence and also negated because of the development of Chaos in human society, in the 21st century there must be a renewal and reassessment of the Modern and Post-Modern use of the term or word man back to the original biblical standard! Yilkat Gopye is a prospective member of G.R.O.W who has decided to contribute in this issue of the GROWJournal. He writes in response to the book THE RIGHT TO BE WRONG; Humanities Only plea and the key to Revival.

By Lami Chinke
Various definitions abound of the word “wait” or to wait. It will not be out of place to take a look at some definitions: 1. To stay in one place or do nothing for a period of time until something happens or in the expectation or hope that something will happen. 2. To stop so somebody can catch up! 3. To be hoping for something or on the lookout for something. 4. To be delayed or ignored for now, to be postponed or put off until later. 5. To be ready or available for somebody to take or use. Period : means an interval or portion of time, it could be an interval of time that is identified by what happens or exists during it. This article has been on the pipeline since I agreed to partener with my husband for life. As a living being, you have a purpose, you have goals and expectations that you desire to achieve or somebody you aspire to be. Life has moments where seconds feel like eternity. You are ready to move forward or even backward to avoid waiting. Waiting can try the nerves and fry the patience (Dr. Bob Wilkerson). We seem to be in a hurry to have what we want, be what we want to be or go where we want to go, not minding the timing or how we get there. The all knowing God has asked us to wait upon him, he knows the beginning and the end. Many times in the effort to accomplish our dreams, today, you can fail to realize th dream you are looking for is in this moment. The steps must be valued as much as the perceived destination. One of the greatest waiting periods in my life was when I desired the fruit of the womb. I waited for exactly a year before God blessed me and I took in and He has continued to bless me. It was a wonderful experience and His grace is so sufficient. It was a moment of communion and deeper relationship with God. I asked him questions about his existence sovereignty and power, he gave me answers and kept me calm as I waited. Infact the waiting periods of life can be the greatest growth periods. I grew in my spiritual life, particularly in understanding the ways of God, his timing and his sovereignty over the affairs of men. He makes everything beautiful in his time, I grew in worship of his name, my communion with him is now life friend to friend, he calls me by name! While You Wait… While seemingly trapped in the waiting periods, take each moment and value its existence. These moments are stepping stones, which move you closer to your dream. The small steps are necessary and essential in paving the path (Wilkerson). As I waited for my first child, I took time to learn parental skills and what God expects of a Christian parent, I prayed God to prepare me psychologically and spiritually for His forth coming blessing and now I am having fulfilled time with my children despite some challenges. Waiting on the Lord doesn’t mean sitting still. Continue to do what is in front of you to do. There are opportunities to accomplish your dreams while you wait on the Lord, you never know maybe those little things you look down on are pathways to your destiny. The dreams of your life are accomplished one step at a time. You can start by bringing a shovel if you want to move a mountain. Each time you fill your shovel with what is in front of you, the waiting period or mountain gets a little smaller. As I waited, I made sure I was physically and medically fit for God’s blessing, though God can perform miracles even in an abnormal situation, strive to remain focused on him and your desire. Renewal of strength is a promise by God if you wait on the Lord. As you wait, you must Endeavour to improve your relationship with God, you must worship him, study and learn more of him, pray for yourself and your future as the blessing unfolds. Waiting is a time of renewal in physical, emotional and spiritual power. God is the author of the waiting periods of life as well as the mountain top experience in life. The key to enduring waiting periods is a refined trust in God. Having said this, we are aware that a mature Christian must be sensitive to satanic delay – this is seen in the story of Daniel where his prayer was delayed for almost 21 days! Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. “ But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels, came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia. 14 Now I am here to explain what will happen to your people in the future, for this vision concerns a time yet to come.” (Daniel 10:12-14) One must resolve to pray, fast and never lose sight of Gods promise while still waiting! God will send an arch angel on your behalf as he did for Daniel and the Jews. For failure to wait may resolve in worse things than the difficulties experienced in waiting. But at the end of the waiting period there is great happiness and fulfillment!
Lami Grace CHINKE, is a Nurse Midwife with the Plateau State Specialist Hospital presently on deployment to the National Blood Transfusion Service. She has been a vibrant youth leader both in school and in her local church, and is presently supporting her husband in his work at GROW. She has a lovely daughter and loves singing and doing her work. When you meet her, the first few words you might hear are: safe blood saves lives.